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Incentivizing supply chain decarbonization by engaging with suppliers beyond tier 1


09 August, 2022



To reach net-zero, Scope 3 supply chain emissions must be addressed by businesses globally. Decarbonization within the supply chain plays a critical role in realizing net-zero ambitions, and multinationals are in a unique position to influence supplier behaviors, operations and investments through incentives.

  1. Leveraging procurement
  2. Building capability
  3. Rewarding progress
  4. Enforcing performance
  • Leveraging supplier agency – supporting suppliers to drive change in their upstream value chains; 
  • Grouping suppliers – identifying overlaps between industries, regions and how governments and technology intersect at those points;  
  • Fostering collaboration – collaborating with peers who share a similar supplier base to scale impact.

Take a look at this issue for more guidance on where to start, what to consider and how to enhance visibility.
